[NEAC GolfLeague] Controversy

Gary Knowlton garykn at comcast.net
Tue Jun 25 15:11:29 CDT 2013

I play in the Overlook league, and sub in this league. 
For Overlook, we have a policy that if 5 holes are played, then it counts 
as a completed match. If more holes than 5 but less than 9 are 
completed, all completed holes count. There should be some discretion 
and agreement among the foursome if it is just rain and not lightening. 


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Christiansen" <dave at hayesne.com> 
To: "Bob Born" <rmbemail at yahoo.com> 
Cc: "North End Golf League" <golf-list at neaclub.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 3:44:56 PM 
Subject: Re: [NEAC GolfLeague] Controversy 

No one should have to get zeros... The only way I see getting zeros is if you loose straight up or turn in an incomplete scorecard. No points should be awarded for incomplete scorecards. I'm sure that if you asked one of the starters to get out and complete a couple of holes that could not be completed due to lightening and rain during one of our Monday league play they would accommodate you. If you don't care enough about then take the zeros. 

On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 8:16 AM, Bob Born < rmbemail at yahoo.com > wrote: 

Like Ananth, I'm willing to take zeros if that's in the best interest of the league. I'll compete, I'll try to improve, I'll joke about quotas, but I'll have fun. 

This league has run for years. Sometimes with better decisions than others, sometimes with mistakes I've made, sometimes with mistakes by others, but always with the intention to do what's in the best interest of the league. We've grown it to a point where we have 28 men playing the glorious game of golf - socially. Men - it's for fun. We won't always agree, but we need to respect one another. I'm truly embarrassed for how we've treated one another. 


Bob Born 

From: Ananth Kaitharam < akaitharam at yahoo.com > 
To: Steve Dickson <steved at DicksonNet.net>; North End Golf League < golf-list at neaclub.org > 
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 7:52 AM 
Subject: Re: [NEAC GolfLeague] Controversy 

Thanks Steve. Let me say at the outset that I was one of those who walked off on both days. In fairness to the others in my group, let me also say that on both days I was the one who made the suggestion that we withdraw. So if anyone wants to call me an asshole for that, they're welcome to. I'm also quite willing to leave the league if that makes the heroic types feel better <grin>! Lastly, I have no problems with being given zero points for leaving the course, regardless of where I was in the match. As you said, I treat this as a friendly outing, not in the expectation of winning anything. 

Way to go Dave C ... nice round and congratulations on taking flight 1. 



From: Steve Dickson <steved at DicksonNet.net> 
To: North End Golf League < golf-list at neaclub.org > 
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 7:39 AM 
Subject: [NEAC GolfLeague] Controversy 


Unfortunately there was a bit of controversy last night about 
how to deal with people walking off the course due to 
inclement weather. 

It seems at least three groups, including the teams in the running, 
walked off the course due to lighting. Rightly so! I guess this 
is the second week in a row that teams walked off the course 
due to rain.... Again rightly so!!! 

I was inclined to redo yesterday's matches since it did not seem 
fair to teams in the running to not complete their matches, 
due to justifiable reasons. But, it turns out a member of the first 
place team, Dave Christiansen sho t a +8 (39) to win the 
first flight , playing thr ough the li ght ing . So, it would not be 
fair to Dave to throw away such a good round. 

S ince this inclement weather has happened t wo weeks in a 
r ow and I wan t to si lence this controversy. I suggest we do 
the followin g : 

1) If you complete d yesterday's round, the quota s apply 
as normal. 

2) I you did not complete ye s ter day's round, your q uota s 
stay the same. 

I don't think the standing will change that much one way or another, 
but Bob will verify that. The bottom line is flight 1 will end and 
we will move on to flight 2... 

To avoid future controversy, If the majority of the teams finish the 
round stands. 

I am very hopeful two thing will not happen again... One, using 
vulgar language, such as asshole, in the clubhouse and two the 
harassing emails, private and public, about people's quotas 
and them not showing up. This is friendly a league so lets 
keep it that way! 


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Best Regards, 
Dave Christiansen 
Hayes Handpiece Company 
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