[NEAC GolfLeague] Wallyball Wednesdays at the Y

Dave Christiansen dave at hayesne.com
Wed Oct 9 22:18:14 CDT 2013

Hi Folks,

You body called and it wants you to stay active this winter.

Why not join us for some Wallyball at the Y (Merrimack) on Wednesdays from
7 to 9pm.

What's Wallyball you ask?  It's 4 on 4 vollyball in a racketball court and
it's alot of fun.

I've spoken to a few folks and the following people have expressed
interest.   Please acknowledge your interest with an "I'm In".

S. Crisp
M. Barry
M. DeMinico
J. Lizotte
S. Dickson
D. Christiansen

Root:  You in?

We need 2 more to make the needed 8.  If there is more interest we can make
more teams and play two 1 hour sessions from 7 - 9 pm on Wednesdays.

In the case where you are not a member at the Nashua/Merrimack Y there will
probably be a weekly guest fee.  Should not be much though.

Depending on the response... the first session will be Wednesday, October
16th @ 7pm.

PS. Knee pads that slide easily on on wood flooring are highly recommended.

Best Regards,
Dave Christiansen
Hayes Handpiece Company
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