[NEAC GolfLeague] Its starting...

Steve Dickson steved at DicksonNet.net
Wed Mar 5 08:44:21 CST 2014

Hello All,

Tonight I'm got the yearly meeting with the Green meadows...

I'm going to assume that most everyone is coming back.
If you are not, please let me know. If you want in
(aka be on a team) please let me know and I'll see
want I can do...

I'm going to say we will be starting the first Monday in May
which would be May 5th and finish a week or two after Labor
day, basically the Sept....

I'm thinking about having two flights and play offs, the
same as last year... details will be ironed out over some
upcoming pops!! ;-)


P.S. If you want off the email list please let know that
      as well...

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