George Hickey ghickey4 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 07:52:31 CDT 2016

 this is fun

Thank you,
 George Hickey
visit us at www.actionindustriesne.com
george at actionindustriesne.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Schwartz <peschwartz at aol.com>
Date: Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 10:16 AM
To: peschwartz at aol.com

IT IS TIME! The camps are open, so it is time to mentally prepare for the
season before us.

We are getting back from another record season last year with more than
$13,000 distributed amongst you.

Can we beat it? Can we do it again?

I hope so. I leave it up to you. *Tell your friends, co-workers, etc.* I
send this first email to you all with the hope you will *pass it along*.
Hopefully, you've enjoyed the experience enough to want others be a part as
well. Another record is up to you.

Above all else, I continue to appreciate your friendship and support.

So...The rules:

   1. $25.00/Entry Fee…many of you (like me) take more than one position.
   Feel free to take multiple positions.
   2. All positions must be acknowledged *prior to the first game for which
   you want to choose a team in week 1.* Remember opening day of the season
   is Thursday, September 8th; the Carolina Panthers vs. the Denver Broncos.
   3. Each week, prior to kickoff time for the team you're picking,
   (typically most of you provide me your pick by Sunday by 12:30 PM), you
   *MUST* *e-mail me* and give me the name of just 1 team that will win
   that day. THAT’S IT! Just 1 team. If your team wins you stay in the pool.
   While I used to accept phone calls or text messages, the pool has grown so
   large, I want to insure I have a confirmed email with a date and time
   stamp, in case I make an error. I know that surprises you, but I am human.
   4. The key element of the pool is, *you cannot use that team again for
   the rest of the season.*
   5. Last 3 men or women standing shares the pool money as follows: 60%
   going to the first place winner, 30% to second place and 10% to third place.
   6. Each week, I will send to everyone, prior to the games, the list of
   names of those still in the pool, and the teams they picked (Excel
   spreadsheet). On Tuesday or Wednesday (I do have a life, ya know) I will
   send out the newsletter and the results. Yes, folks you can count on my
   using poetic license at least once again and no one will be spared my humor
   (or lack thereof)
   7. Winnings are distributed after the Superbowl, no later than February
   28th. Any costs associated with PayPal are deducted from the total prize
   money. Many of you have asked for PayPal and I am here to serve.

Again, please share with your friends. Forward this email. *Don’t hesitate
to include anyone you know that might want in. This is good, clean fun…and
a winner oftentimes is not a football genius*.

As many will attest, the newsletter is almost worth the price of admission.
The poetry is not Keats and the rest ain't Pulitzer Prize material, but it
will keep you looking for it weekly, and help you enjoy a season and sport
for which you may have had no clue before...and based on some of the picks
some of you have made...some picks I've made...we still remain clueless.

Get involved and enjoy! E-mail or call me if you have any questions or to
let me know you're in.

*Payment is due before game one.*

You can send your checks to me at my home address:

Peter Schwartz
78 Woodview Way
Manchester, NH 03102

Or go to PayPal and pay to my account; PESCHWARTZ at AOL.COM

Let's get this year rolling. I hope you'll be joining us again.
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